Thursday, 5 February 2004

live live recordings!


Feeling very impressed with myself today, as I have managed to record 3 of my songs in the university studios with the invaluable help of a great friend, Ian. We are meeting on Tuesday again, 10-12, to do post-production. For now the acoustic is absolutely great (the piano sounded blocky in the live space but great in the control room for some reason...) and I can't wait to record the last 2 songs. The demo disc will contain 5 in all, which is about right I suppose. The 3 we recorded today are quite similar in length ... 5:10, 5:22, and 4:58 ... but we have to erase silences at either end so it should still be just over 15 minutes for 3 songs at the moment.
I need to pack my keyboard and stuff up in a moment as I am doing my voluntary music project at the OAP home at 5:30. All hail condenser microphones! :)

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