Friday, 6 February 2004

the corruptable power of money


Literally just finished watching the first episode of the last series of Friends ... the beginning of the end has begun :( It didn't really come as a surprise cos I downloaded it off Kazaa about 5 days ago, but I like taping stuff ... I'm weird like that. In fact the first 4 episodes are ready to watch on my comp right now ... but it's cheating, isn't it? ;)

Finishing off a bottle of delicious Shiraz this evening in my own company. I bought a great book from Waterstone's the other day which I'm planning on at least picking up tonight. Haruki Murakami's South of the Border, West of the Sun, in case you're interested. (I doubt it.)

Went to view a house at 6:30 which was really quite nice. The kitchen is a million light years ahead of my current kitchen but there's no tumble dryer ... room is a little smaller too, and more expensive at £56.25 a week (compared to £46 at the moment.) before, of course, utilities (£20 a month for electricity, and £70 a quarter for water/gas) so it works out around £266 a month rather than the present £215 ... it is, however, a far more secure area where my car is less likely to get stolen. Speaking of car crime, I had to wipe spit off the windscreen on Wednesday night before the OAP voluntary music project, as some scallies were seen hanging around the corner of our house by Dave. The bastards.

Our union is in severe debt and the executive officers have apparently lied about the state of finances ... I wonder what will happen. They charged 33% more to become a sports user this year than last, and neither myself nor the badminton captains have observed any discernible difference in the quality of provisions made for badminton. Unless it conspires we are funding clubs that have newly originated, which is possible.

Went for a second tutorial (not with my tutor, oddly) earlier today and was given a massive confidence boost when the professor told me he couldn't find my composition folio because my tutor had taken it to show some other lecturers. On the good side, this has put me in a sky-high sort of Prozac mood. On the bad side, it means I have to go in to see him again sometime next week. Watch out for next Tuesday as well, when we will have done post-production on the aforementioned 3 tracks, and recorded another 2! :) And to cheer me up even more, the professor bloke really likes my 3D vector/spatiality/postmodernist idea. He added that it might even be possible to combine 2 pieces for Major Composition with an analysis of what I was doing in Minor Dissertation ... which would be the godliest thing ever. (I'm sad.) Things are going so well at the moment! :)

An eye for an eye and the world ends up blind (Gandhi)

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