Thursday, 11 March 2004

and this one time, at band camp...

I got to see my mum for the first time in ages, and we went out for dim sum at Tai Tung in Croydon, along with my Aunty Jan. She couldn't believe that my mum traded the Polo for a Smart Coupe.... haha. She actually got to sit in it when they returned to Croydon later for shopping ... the look of disbelief on her face was just pure classic! After dim sum, we went home for tea, cake, and general lounging around in front the telly, played a few of my songs for the ladies, and then back out to Croydon for the late night shopping. Ironically I thought Aunty Jan would buy loads of stuff but when I found her at our meeting place she was carrying nothing, whereas I'd spent £50 my mum gave me on 2 pairs of jeans, and a new book. (which is really excellent, by the way: Rohinton Mistry's Family Affairs, which was shortlisted for the Man Booker Prize in 2002) I do feel kind of dumb for doing all this pleasurable reading whilst completely neglecting the key texts and set reading for my music modules, but what the hell, you only live once.

I have been harassing Chessington about the status of my application, and the very least they have been able to do is promise to forward my application to the head of Retail, where I worked last year, for a closer examination. However I'm not too hopeful of my prospects there as they have allegedly had a huge number of applications this year. What the hell's it all for ... my job will most probably go to some chav now. Never mind. I have backup solutions:

1. A US voluntary summer camp style affair, with accommodation, food, and return ticket paid for; (I could be a band camp instructor!!!!!!)

2. Am soon to send Adecco my CV as they said they are likely to have summer work available soon;

3. Accept that damn call centre job at GE Capital in Leeds, (but I really don't want to)

4. Go round the shops in the high street tomorrow or this weekend before all the schoolkids do.

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