Saturday, 6 March 2004

getting some friends

Watching end of series 3 of Friends. That girl with the shaved head sure is ugly. I get quite torn up over the whole Ross/Rachel thing and I don't know why. The newest series is airing at the moment of course, and it seems weird-but-not-too-weird that Rachel almost hooked up with Joey, but will probably get back with Mr Geller after 6 years. And then I question the level of testosterone in my body, realise it's a damned sitcom, and life returns to normal. Haha.

Space you need to breathe before the curtain call. Lightning leads the way before you hit the wall. Mountain that you climb, just to take a fall, for blind among the blind and I said, ah, there's an ego round my heart, dragging me down, beneath the waves and silence I heard, there's a halo above my head, spinning me round, cos I don't know if I'm alive or dead, there's a dagger in my head, bleeding me dry.

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