We have to orchestrate a piece by Sorabji, which doesn't even have a title. To make things even weirder, Sorabji himself imposed a world wide ban on performance of the piece, and some of the bars don't even add up. So Mic has got a postgrad student to completely 're-compose' the piece, and we have to orchestrate it for string orchestra. So in effect we are arranging an arrangement. *sigh*
I was supposed to be going home this evening, but I decided to go out drinking on account of how it was the last night I'd be in Leeds for a month or so. Managed to end up at The Terrace at 6 or so ... met lots of funky random ppl, got bored. (sorry if you're reading this, Dave.) Anyway a couple of my mates from music were in the school disco downstairs, so I met up with them after paying the requisite fiver, only to have them let me know that "it was crap" in no uncertain terms, cos there were only about 10 ppl in there. This is why we ended up at Creation. One of the guys (a friend of a friend) was rather worse for wear (he might've been stoned, in fact) - when we arrived at Creation, we tried to get the lift to the VIP floor, but the silly bastard wrenched the doors open before the lift arrived ... and of course we found ourselves staring at a wall. So I got trapped in a lift for 20 minutes with a very scary person. My evening had achieved the remarkable aim of going from boring to very boring, not to mention a futile waste of a tenner on 2 club entrance tickets, so I had enough and walked to the bus stop by LCT to go home. (It was about 1.15am by this time.)
It hadn't occurred to me that I was in exactly the same place at exactly the same time a week on from when I went to Library then Fab with a mate - we ended up getting a cab with some girl, as it transpired she was going about 2 roads away from me.......and who should be there but her again, toting a huge Guinness hat ;)
And that's how I met Clare.
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