Wednesday, 3 March 2004

the meteoric (hyperbolic) rise of slang in educational institutions

Was all right. Our tutor for Analysis happens to be in China at the present moment so his geeky understudy took us for the class. God he's annoying. Always trying to come over as funny and witty and failing spectacularly without fail. I observed with huge distaste that this reminds me of myself.

Badminton was good, a better turnout than I would have expected for a Wednesday ... in fact, it was like Sunday today, if that makes any sense. In turnout terms. And my final class of the day was shifted, because we get a choice of brass band or Sorabji (string orchestra) and, having plumped for the latter, was told that only brass band would be 'happening' today, and Sorabji was cancelled the following week as well. Meaning we won't even get to start the final orchestration of the year until after the Easter break ... it really is time to get the work skates on. Tonight should be a laugh as well.

Classical musicians should not use street slang like 'happening'. It is disparaging, encouraging to scallies, and unnecessary. (And now the world wonders why we're commonly perceived to be such an elitist bunch of bastards...)

I only dream of you cos my life's such a bitch, but you can change it. I asked you to dance at the disco, but you said no. The whole world was watching, and laughing, on the day that I crashed and burned at your feet.

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