Wednesday, 21 June 2006

at last, a real post!

oh no, it's full of weird stuff I found on the internet.

Petra's Views!!!

All views posted here are Petra's and are probably shared by very few! ... Now sift the lemon juice and strain your nuts. Add one table. Spoon. ...

Alaska Bob's Recipes - Fish Taco Recipe for Halibut Tacos

Alaska Bob's recipes featuring a Fish Tacos recipe for an Alaskan fish and seafood taco ... 3 tsp olive oil 1/4 lime - juice from. Fish Taco Ingredients ..

So, if it's a damp, dark cellar that keeps my spark bright, then in the deprivation
... Time to wake up. Bob's already writing songs, this is horse-shit. ...

MMSA story - Depunker DEPUNKED!!!!!
"I saw--we saw--that right in the middle of the front of his silk boxers Ronny
... Bob's slender erection quivered like a divining rod aiming directly ..

knob polisher:
1. A fellator for fellatrrice. See fellator for synonyms.

2. Derogatory appellation for a male homosexual regarded solely as a fellator .

My grandmother from Norway (I call her Bestemamma)

Bob felt a little squirt of pee expel from the tip of his dick when he turned back to see Mr. Stoker taking his wooden paddle off the hook by his coat closet. "After we're finished here--and we still have your complete cooperation in our dealings with Ronny--you'll be able to rest assured that you have completely made up for the indiscretions you participated in under the influence of that....that....long-haired baggy-pantsed PUNK!"

By the time Bob finally became aware of the stiff meat that Mr. Stroker was concealing in his lap under thin layers of khaki and cotton, his own teen schlong was thrusting over it like a slim saw across a thickish log, in his relentless yet futile attempts to escape even a single one of the 40 painful smacks of the wooden paddle on his bare ass.

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