A special end-of-month challenge for all you guys. There are various pics throughout the posts of this month. Ignoring the one for Bob's Boatyard on the 24th, there is always someone (or something) featured on the right hand side of each picture.
The numbers below correlate to the names of the people in the pictures, e.g. a '3' associated with Bob's picture gives a B. You have to figure out which picture the number relates to.
Substitute the numbers below for letters. One letter is used twice and is italicised.
Word One: 1, 2, 3, 4
Word Two: 2, 6
Word Three: 5
Word Four: 3, 4, 2, 1, 1, 5
First one with the right answer wins a fiver!
Make it a 100 quid, then I'll think about it.