Friday, 30 June 2006

The simple life in Puttarpathi.

I've stayed in this village for a week now. It's the birthplace and residence of Sri Sathya Sai Baba. He's supposedly a human incarnation of the Hindu deity Krishna. (You can find out more by googling 'Puttarpathi'; there's plenty of sites with information about the place and Sai Baba (Swami).)

I spent the first couple of days in the Prashanti Nilayam Ashram. It's an accommodation complex with several worship areas. It is a big difference in lifestyle compared to London or even Bangalore.

For a start there's no television. No computer, no pubs/cinema/etc. There are places to get food and drink, but that's pretty much it. There's a very relaxed park-like atmosphere, which I liked. Once you walk outside the ashram though, it's back to the busy Puttarpathi streets and the outside world.

Right now I'm staying in a hotel just a stone's throw away from the ashram. So we can still go and observe the 'Darshan' prayers and see Swami in the afternoon. The hotel's great. I've already gone back to the summer routine of watchin TV and surfing the net lol. Not gambling much which is good :)

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