Tuesday, 19 October 2004

it's not the grandeur of your weathervane, but the size of your cock

Bored. 520 essay words has now become 940. This would cheer me up a little, except my tutor for this essay is also the same as my tutor for my dissertation. In short, I have to find 3,000 words in 9 days. Arse. Had a beautiful KFC last night with my winnings from the Portsmouth v Spurs match. Thoroughly boring piece of football, I might add, but who cares when you win some money.

I feel depressed today, and I don't know why. Perhaps it is because I overslept a little and have gone about today in a zombie-like state, performing such irregular feats as:

- Leaving the front door open without even knowing it

- Falling asleep in my only class today

- Brushing my teeth twice

- Attempting to make coffee with instant noodles

I feel these will validate my point somewhat.

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