Sunday, 17 October 2004

shuttling along

Badminton was all right. Started out with a 0-15 drubbing, then won 15-10, 17-15, before losing 8-15. Was all right, not brilliant - I started out quite well then lost it in the last half of the 3 hrs when I got tired. Think I was also gripping the racket too hard as I've done a chunk of my right thumb in. Pain.

Succeeded on Friday in getting 3 tickets for Joss Stone, who's playing at LUU on 7th Nov. Should be quite good. Lost £15 on fucking football bets yesterday cos Arsenal won 3-1 (not 2-0, 4-0, or 4-1) and Man City won 1-0 (not 1-1, 2-0, 2-1) so coupled with a new tank of fuel for the car and some new clothes, I'm rather poor at the moment. Darr.

Badminton ppl: Social on Weds 20th, 8pm - Library + Creation (free)

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