Friday, 15 October 2004

natural high

Just woke up. Went out with Bob and Vicki last night to New Inn, then Majestyk later, as Vicki works there and put us on VIP for free. A huge DMX track had been installed in the centre of the dance floor, which was interesting ... good thing there were only a few hundred ppl there. Left Majestyk about 1.30 since Bob was getting increasingly tired and Vicki had gone off somewhere with some ppl from work. It was a cool dry night, so we thought we'd walk up City Square, past Creation, Leeds Met, Halo, and Parkinson Steps and onward toward Headingley.

We were almost approaching Bourbon/Creation (carrying a new addition to the traffic cone family, I might add) when we saw a girl, crouching in a shop window, crying her eyes out. Since nobody else bothered to stop and help, I sat down next to her and asked what the matter was. She said that she had been in Creation when some Pakistani bloke had knocked her drink out her hand, so she asked him to buy her another, so he hit her, then she hit him back - but the bouncer only saw her hitting him, so he dragged her roughly by the hair outside, and she couldn't even let her friends know what had happened, and she didn't know where she was. Then she just sank her head into my chest and completely lost it for a good half minute. We offered to walk her home since she was clearly scared and alone, and she agreed. Managed to make a few traffic cone jokes on the way to take her mind off it, and luckily, as fate would have it, on the walk back to her place, we happened upon a group of guys - one of whom, it transpired, was one of her flatmates. He seemed suspicious of us at first but she told him everything, at which point his expression changed completely, and they all shook hands with us.

Caught a cab not long after since we actually couldn't be bothered to walk all the way into the village - got in at 2.30, hit the sack at 3.

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