Monday, 18 October 2004


Demand has possessed me to paste an old post here, as apparently the link to March's page is down (I can't find anything wrong with March, though...)


Evening: OAP home. Arrived 30 mins late due to taking someone to the train station. Not bothered about it, because I wasn't in the mood to play particularly well or come over as particularly artiste or inspiring. In fact today I don't give a flying fuck if the pensioners hated me playing. I'm just pissed at everything. The best thing about the OAP home tonight was tricking a pensioner into thinking it was 10.30pm when it was 7.30. She looked really worried, muttered something like, "oh dear, I'm up far too late, my bowel movements are going to be unsynchronised now" before rushing off ... presumably to go to sleep. It's sad. I never want to be an OAP in Britain, where the highlight of my day is either

1. counting the number of bowel movements I make in any given week,
2. feeling the adrenaline rush as you get a bigger trolley than normal while at Safeway's, or
3. realising the bus driver overchanged you and you didn't tell him

In fact just on the subject of buses OAPs are the biggest hypocrites ever. They're forever moaning about how the current generation has no respect for authority, no morals, blah blah etc., but hmmm??? I wonder who it is that's always stood up there at the front of the bus perched on his/her zimmer frame chatting away to the driver like a monkey on Prozac. Fuck's sake....

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