Friday, 29 October 2004

Mr Brightside

If you don't have this song by The Killers, get it. Now.

The morbid theme continues as I'm sad to say that Ricky Byrne lost his life in a car crash on his way home from work 2 days ago. His funeral will be held on Tuesday, if anyone wants to go. Deepest sympathies from all the Chessington ppl to his family.

Found a job at GE Capital as Collections Associate. It's calling up people who have arrears on their store cards. Clients include Burton and Topshop. The funny thing is that my Burton account was in arrears 2 months ago and I got a call from GE. How the tables turn. So far I have completed 16 hours, and the pay is £6.55 an hour, so not doing too badly. Unfortunately there is a 9am-4.30pm shift tomorrow. Worse luck for me, although Dan's mate is having a birthday Otley Run starting 3pm.

Apologies for not posting more frequently but life has been hectic. I have so many varying projects on my plate right now, so it's not always easy to find some time to update you all with the irrelevant minutiae of my life. Of course, there's the OAP home, which I have sacrificed for the 2 training weeks at GE since the hours clash, and then there's the music for my housemates Dan (video game) and Ben, (45-min documentary) the latter of whom asked me at 11.30 last night to score the 'Fun House' theme (think back to when you were 9 or 10) with a "Blackpool seaside edge." (verbatim)

Am also writing a 2-3 min piece for the 22-strong Leeds Uni Liturgical Choir, due Jan 2005. It's about halfway complete at the moment and is loosely based on Psalm 75.

Had two tutorials yesterday, one for Dissertation and one for Major Comp. Horribly, my dissertation tutor is also my Herrmann tutor. He is none other than the Head of School. However he seems quite impressed with my work, which is good, and positively amazed that I thought one of the songs on the Mulholland Drive OST was based on an old Roy Orbison song, which I could prove to him. He's quite involved in the maths side of music, so was quite easy to talk to him about inferential stats for my questionnaire. Am aware I'm writing in fuckwit Bridget-Jones stylee speak once more.

Anyway I better go write some more of my rock opera. I have about 6 1/2 mins out of 30-40 right now.

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