Saturday, 27 May 2006

angry journal

Ok, for a long time people have been asking me what kind of girlfriend I want, as if I could magically lay down concrete rules and criteria and it will just happen. So in a suitably sardonic response to all the airheads out there, this is exactly what I want to find in a girl:

1. She should have an IQ bigger than her chest size.
2. She should find Big Brother and all the pond life brained people on it repulsive.
3. She should look amazing.
4. She should have conservative tendencies - absolutely no idealists clinging to the failed crumbling edifice of Labour.
5. She should have an appreciation of individual freedom and space, and so not feel the need to phone me every 5 minutes to check where I am or what I'm doing.
6. She should like reading, red wine, music, (no pop, garage, rap, RnB thanks) motorsport, and travelling.
7. She should have all the qualities one would hope for in a girlfriend: honesty, trustworthiness, intellect, sense, etc. etc.

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