Tuesday, 9 May 2006

disparate collection of thoughts part 1

Tired. So very tired.

The unshakable feeling that being generous and benevolent will always backfire sooner or later.

You can learn about moral truths in textbooks and libraries. Or you can step out into real life and experience the anti-vacuum.

If you're not part of the problem, you shouldn't be part of the solution. Know your place, stick to it, and retain a little humility if that's possible.

Once I thought I met a bird and we would soar, but she flew away.

I don't know many six-syllable words other than phantasmagorical.

Events of the last week or so have taught me yet again that the only constant thing in the world is change. And yet people generally don't respond well to change; some degree of stability is nice.

Nobody has character flaws or weaknesses anymore. We are all victims of something. Alcoholism, retail fucking therapy (best excuse to hide a weakness ever) and more. We are now sleepwalking into a mass production of crybabys with nobody willing to take responsibility.

These are tired eyes.

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