Monday, 1 May 2006

who will you vote for on Thursday?

Thatcher was one of the few politicians who had the balls (figuratively) to stand up to the ever-increasing power of the unions.

If you do a little history research you will find that there was a widespread feeling of disempowerment in London in the 70s amid the dock strikes, all thanks to a Labour government. History repeating itself perhaps? Except this time it's the RMT with their bloody 3 day weeks and demands of £40,000 a year salaries for tube drivers. And, of course, since Blair lacks even the gumption to tame his own party rebels, he will never be able to control the union ringmasters, let alone more powerful 'friends' like Bush.

It's all gone a bit messy. Labour are Tories in red clothing, and are alienating their left-wing supporters. The Tories are distancing themselves from their right-wing past and are trying to move towards centre ground ... so christ only knows what the Lib Dem's political spectrum consists of.

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