Thursday, 11 May 2006

we have a holdem winner!!!!!

Finally I made it to the final table of a Gutshot holdem tournament. Not only that.......I WON THE WHOLE THING!!! 85 poker fanatics entered a £30 buy in with 1 rebuy, i.e. £60 in total. I was very lucky at times; at one point I was short stack on my table. How things turned around. I went all in with Q/7 and A/J called. I got my 7's on the flop, and that was the start of my resurgence. To cut a long story short, I reached the final table on my lucky seat number 7. Managed to get pocket kings twice, the 2nd of which eliminated 2 people. It ended up with 3 players. My chip stack was 3 times the next highest stack, and we decided to stop play.

2nd and 3rd place split with £813 each. 1st prize to me........£1000!!! WOW. Was so chuffed, it took a while to settle in. The tournament lasted from 8pm till 2am. Very tiring. I managed to stay awake after so many glasses of coke, and joined in the cash games. Played until 10am, then the card room closed. I'm now in the Gutshot internet cafe, waiting for a £20 tourney to start at 2pm. The guys around me keep complaining of the bad beats they get from their excursions online. Stop moaning!! That's poker.

Exams update: done 4; Math Methods, FOREX, Prob/Stats and Economic theory. Got calculus/linear algebra next Wednesday, my last one. Wish all you students the best of luck over the next month. It'll all be over before you know it!!

1 comment:

  1. bobbbb come on msn
    you're watching me play poker now right?
