Saturday, 21 January 2006

cheerful disposition ensured that negativity would not compromise the order of the day

It struck me that I can be quite the pessimist at times, so to balance it out I thought today I will post something altogether more upbeat.

Here are some positive things which happened today:

I bought dinner for my dad.
I completed Resident Evil 4.
I got paid my week in arrears for Virgin.
I watched several retro TV shows on Challenge.
The cats didn't shit in the house for a change.
I didn't get up until 2.30.
No irritating telesales people called.

So it could be much worse. Also waiting to hear from RBS about that job. Speaking of job........oh shit. I was supposed to go do some tests at another agency today and I overslept. Oops.

Email me if you wanna go see Reel Big Fish in Leeds!!!

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