Intensely bored: am at home. Writing little bursts of melody and harmony and gluing them together to form longer pieces with interesting structures. Having already written a piece with a very arrogant title (Iridescence Fantasia) I have settled on naming this new piece Sunset Fantasia. Perhaps I will write an album of Fantasias? They are by far the most appealing musical form to me at the moment. My dad wanted me to write jazz and look how that turned out, lol...half a dozen tracks of complete rubbish.
It looks too cold out to take a walk. I feel like renting a film? There's nothing on Sky but silly repeats of The Land Before Time 4. (although the first one was amazing.) Oh sod it, I'll just watch Donnie Darko for the millionth time. Full steam ahead for an 80s nostalgia day, lol.
John Lennon once said that "'just' is the most overused word in lyrics and cheapens their basic qualities." I have listened to Bitter Glass by Feeder and it is mentioned 8 times in the whole song?
As the days go by I am getting more and more convinced that MySpace is a vortex sucking me in ;) I have done virtually nothing since I left Virgin except sit on here and play some poker. What a useless bum I am!
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