Saturday, 28 January 2006

lead story today will centre around the stupidity of animal rights extremists, the twats who

Oooh let's have a rant. Today's rant is at the animal rights extremist tossers, the section of society comprising twats like the Animal Liberation Front. Oh yes, they are protesting so peacefully that they have become the 2nd most wanted group of people in the country after Al Qaeda. That's some achievement, dickheads.

My argument is that if it is necessary to test on animals in order to develop new cures and medicines for things like cancer and syphilis, then scientists should be allowed to. I bet none of the idiot animal rights extremists actually have a problem in principle with denying homosexuals the right to treatments or drugs that can help prolong their lives.

While I have no problem with forms of peaceful demonstration, this is a situation that isn't even rapidly getting out of control - it is out of control. When Oxford University had to shelve plans to build a multimillion pound set of laboratories, one of the reasons cited was the high security cost automatically derived from the animal rights extremists. Employees of Huntingdon have been threatened, physically assaulted, with paint poured over their cars, hoax emails, and more. The great-grandmother of one scientist was buried in a peaceful remote country village graveyard. Her skeleton was exhumed and her bones scattered about the area. Her only crime was what her great-grandson did for a living. You people make me FUCKING SICK.

So, what did the politically correct, bend-over-backwards-to-achieve-diversity-at-all-costs cunts at the Metropolitan Police have to say? (Side note to the Police: You get the best results by employing the best staff, not to fill a certain racial quota. This inverse form of racial prejudice can still be considered prejudice.) "At this time, we would prefer not to comment upon this extremely emotive issue." Excuse me? These people have assaulted other people and made their lives living hell, and the police are going to just stand by and watch them? Or do you have to mutate into a pissed clubber or axe wielding maniac to get arrested nowadays?

Anyway, with all this unwanted harrassment becoming a regular feature in the lives of law-abiding employees, it's small wonder that a lot of scientific, chemical and resarch companies are relocating their efforts abroad, usually to China. Why so far, I hear you ask? Easy one.

China has long been bullied around (or at least tried to be bullied around) by the interfering UN. But it is not the only Asian country to be pestered like this - look at Korea. One of Korea's national dishes is "ten dog penis soup". I'm not joking. This is a purely cultural dish which goes back centuries. Yet animal welfare standards officers would have you believe that all Koreans are going to hell for this. Where is the consistency? And just what the fuck gives Westerners the right to criticise an ancient Eastern tradition? I thought we were supposed to be encouraging diversity and culture, blah blah blah vomit, but at the same time these morons want to suppress it and turn us all into Identihuman robots. (Let's stop there, that's a rant for another day.)

Returning to China, it has to answer similar questions of animal welfare standards. Every single time the UN gets upon its moral high horse, China merely ignores it, (and rightfully so) principally because the UN has no lawful jurisdiction over China. So the scientists are, in effect, immune from people preventing them doing their job. Asian countries are, by and large, peaceful places to live in. The only drawback is that in such a strictly communist society, there are various civil freedoms which inevitably have to be sacrificed. (I guess that's something else the civil liberties dickheads would have a field day lathering on about.) So, with all this relative strangulation upon freedom of speech, it is extremely unlikely that anyone will say a bad word about the scientists. The possibility of violence towards the companies' employees is even more remote.

Everyone wins, except the animal rights terrorists. Not only have they committed several arrestworthy charges but they have also outsourced scientific and chemical companies to Asia, which will only reduce the competitiveness of England and weaken our economic hand further. All this at a time when Asia's economic power is multiplying seemingly by the day. Picture England, a country crippled by a multitude of meaningless civil service and public sector jobs and a country for whom sick days off from work caused by binge drinking cost £350m a year. Picture Asia: China built their stadium for the Olympics so fast they were ordered to "slow things down." Japan is home to Toyota, who have now overtaken General Motors as the world's largest car manufacturer. Economics and the aspirations of their populations are soaring right now. It's only a matter of time before Asia becomes the world's next superpower, and there's absolutely nothing the idiot West can do about it.

Well done, you animal rights cunts.

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