Last year's resolutions
1. To hunt down whoever writes these idiotic jokes in the crackers and shoot them point blank.
2. Put a golf club through a pikey's car window.
3. Graduate summa cum laude.
4. Become an amazingly successful composer. (This is the same as last year.)
Was I successful?
1. No, because I can't afford a plane ticket to Korea.
2. No, because I can't afford golf clubs.
3. I missed a First by about (( )) this much.
4. No. This is the most disappointing by far. But if I make my current job permanent then I will start saving effective immediately for studio gear.
This year's resolutions
1. Become Eric Clapton on guitar.
2. Sort that studio equipment out.
3. Write the album which launches me.
4. Stop using eBay so much.
5. Pay off student debt.
6. Form a band.
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