Monday, 20 September 2004

finished. over. at last.

Completed the piano sonata this afternoon. It only has 2 movements but I don't care. I re-recorded the 2nd mvmt, which came out approx. 10 seconds longer than the first white draft.

I bought Muse's 'new' single today (since it's already on their Absolution album) and the accompanying DVD. With the 10% off card, both together were only £4.50, so I also got Green Day's American Idiot and Messaien's Eclairs sur l'au-Dela (Rattle/Berliner Philharmoniker) which I suspect was recorded at the prom I attended and dashed out as quickly as possible. The Messaien was £15, 3 times more than the other 3 singles put together. Oh well.

Upcoming plans:

Weds night: we have tickets to see Howard Shore conducting some of his orchestral suites at the Albert Hall, including music from Lord of the Rings. Then straight to bed when I get in the front door and out at 6am the morning after.

Thurs morning: Depart 6am, arrive in Leeds maybe 10-11am. Registration documents issued from 10.30-12.30.

Thurs afternoon: pre-semester tutorial at 12.45. Last year my feedback in Composition was falsely encouraging, and I complained to my tutor about that, who admitted that he was unhappy with the process and would be changing it for this year as he's been newly crowned Head of Composition. (I was led to believe that I got around 65 in yr 2 sem 1 when I really got 58. Only by good fortune did I get 64 in sem 2 to average above 60 for Comp. overall) So he has agreed to meet me pre-semester to talk about areas for improvement in the hope I do not sue the Music School for misleading information. As if I would ... do I look like one of those ppl who would sue for anything under the sun?!

Fri - Sun: fuck knows

Mon: first lecture of the year, unfortunately on dissertation, worse luck

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