My head feels as though I have spent the last 12 hours on a fairground Waltzer ride instead of in my bed. The turnout was ridiculously low (18 instead of 39) since most of those who said they would show up didn't. Liam and Little Dan were the first to arrive by virtue of mistaking the party starting time for 8pm instead of 9pm. The punch was generally enthusiastically received. For reasons I have not yet discovered, one girl later felt the need to spike the punch with a hefty dose of Ouzo. The punch remained untouched from that point on...
The same girl challenged me to a drinking contest involving pints of the aforementioned punch. We were supposed to down 3 pints each, but it was ridiculously strong so I managed just over one, and she managed one also before forfeiting and rushing to the toilet, then proceeded to knock over the glass bowl of pot pourri on the floor. Nobody picked up on this until a few hours later when my mate went to take a slash and trod on a particularly sharp piece of the stuff. This would explain the vertical line up the left bathroom wall.
Some people will immediately point to the turnout and start casting their accusing fingers horizontally at me, but to be honest, everyone had a great time, and most admitted it was nicer to have fewer ppl than be crushed with more. Kudos must go, in particular, to Liam, for showing us his wrestling moves all evening long, before indulging in rather too much Ouzo, flopping belly down on my sofa and passing out, and to John, for some excellent metal music a la Muse and System of a Down.
Turnout was enhanced around 12.45am when my sister arrived home with a few of her friends in tow, one of whom was spectacularly drunk. In fact this was the catalyst for the evening's spectacle centering around her and Daryl, a guy from Rides. Unbeknown to the poor girl, Daryl was and still is seeing someone. The difference is that he wasn't drunk and she was. At least three different people secretly vowed to me to have very strong words with him/beat him up/castrate him. Interesting.
Entertainments were provided in the form of Twister, watching John dance to RnB, Liam's aforementioned wrestling moves, the quickly-spread knowledge that one 21 year old girl (who shall remain nameless) could not make it to the party because she had been grounded, me finishing off a punch bowl then turning it upside down on my head and imitating E.T., and watching Daryl jump up from the ground floor kitchen door to the first floor lounge door.
If you are wondering why we were playing RnB, then the long and short of it is that my sister hijacked the hifi. (We reclaimed it back later.) She will undoubtedly say that she and her friends "made the party", but that's crap because
1. There were only 4 of them and 14 of us
2. They arrived after everyone else
People started crashing about 3.30am, until the idiots from next door (who had all gone away in a caravan somewhere, leaving only an inebriated uncle behind) decided to ring home at 5.30am. When the uncle unsurprisingly did not pick up the phone, they thought it would be a good idea to call again and wake us all up. Tossers. I was awoken a little before this, however, by the sounds of much prodding and thudding going on inside my lounge. When I spoke to Ricky much later (7.45am) he said one of the cats had found its way into the lounge and was annoying everyone, so Kate forced the guys to kick the cat out of the house. (not literally) I have managed to accrue all of 4 hours sleep, from 3.30 to 5.30 and then from 5.30 to 7.30 (tosser neighbour decides to start drilling ... at this hour on a Sunday morning I am seriously thinking about serving noise pollution notices on him, but then I think that might be a tad hypocritical after last night) and 7.30 to 10. Everyone who remained (my sister and two of her friends, the third having left to go to work, and Liam and myself) cleaned up the house a bit before my dad arrived home to sort out the TV in time for the F1 Monza GP.
All in all a good evening's fun. The people who didn't bother showing up don't know what they missed.
Dude, I'm totally worried about your drinking.
ReplyDeleteAll in a night's work! :)