Today I have been gathering ideas together for the second movement of my piano sonata, having completed a few drafts of the first movement. Freer. I have just finished recording a tentative first copy of the second movement, which highlights just what revisions I need to make. More productive. It will need trimming down possibly. At the moment the 2nd mvmt. is a little over 13.5 mins long. (The 1st mvmt. was 8.5) But I suppose this might be allowed for a graciously slow middle movement. Happier. The real test of my skills will be the 3rd final mvmt. which is typically played at prodigiously fast pace with matching virtuosic trills and figures liberally scattered somewhere in the mix. Fitter. Stylistically, it sounds very Beethovenian (is that even a word?) with a few touches from our impressionist pals Debussy and Ravel.
I am tired after slogging hard all day on this, and I have eaten well in town tonight. (Read: Went for a Chinese with my dad, sis, and her friend.) Time for bed, or a little reading perhaps. The book I am reading right now is so beautiful it hurts. It's called A Fine Balance, by Rohinton Mistry, surely India's finest living novelist.
Ring road supermarket at weekends. Exercising more frequently at the gym. Still kisses with saliva. Still cries at a good film. A careful driver. Like a pig in a cage on antibiotics.
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