Haven't finished registering yet as I completed an OMR form and joined a 3-hr queue, to be informed that it might be quicker to come back tomorrow at 9am. It didn't take long to make a choice. My student status at present is EL-RE (dunno about the first half, and 'registered'.) My loan should be in my account on Weds, according to the LEA desk in the sports hall.
The joys of food shopping beckon later this afternoon. If I time it right I should be able to go just after the little school runts come out and just before the brainless office suits emerge.
So that's good. Running out of hard drive space as Cubase SX continues to chew it up, (10 Gb) whilst the ever-growing mountain of MP3s (12 Gb) isn't helping matters. I have shoved a second 160 Gb hard drive in a 5.25" bay to try help out the original 120 Gb drive (of which there's about 50 Gb free now) but it's only a matter of time before that will be consumed too. I have no 5.25" bays free now, so the only solution is a USB drive. Fortunately there is a 250 Gb USB hard drive available online from Maxtor for £150, taking the total hard drive capacity of my computer to 530 Gb, slightly over half a Terrabyte. I will also be adding 512 Mb DDR RAM in the near future to take it to 1.5 Gb.
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