Have just returned from a mini-break to Leeds - one last look at Bungle before everyone moves out. Don't think I've ever eaten so many burgers in such a short period of time. I'm like that guy on 'Super Size Me'.
ThursdayThis was an unnecessarily complicated day. Since, of course, we were out late at Fab, I hadn't had much sleep. By 7.45, I was up to help Dan move his stuff into Andy's current flat as the keys to his new place weren't released yet. After packing all his things into the car and sitting through Otley Road traffic, we arrived at Avtar on Brudenell Road to find that the ditzy girl in the office had failed to record the deposit receipts correctly, so we had to find Andy - no mean task, since he wasn't picking up his phone and not responding to texts. Without Andy's receipt for his deposit, there was nothing the ditzy girl could do, (is there ever?) so we returned to Bungle and unpacked all of Dan's stuff.
After sitting around for a while over coffee and card games, Andy eventually replied to Dan's messages. He agreed to meet us at Avtar later, so we got back in the car (leaving Dan's stuff behind) and drove there. It then transpired that the landlord of the new house still lives there, so they had to call him to release a copy of the keys. After this was done, we did a quick recon to familiarise ourselves with the area, and then went back to Bungle to re-pack Dan's things, which would take two trips. To make things worse, the quickest route to the new house was down Cardigan Road, which entailed sitting in temporary traffic lights every time. Nautrally, I had intended on leaving Leeds before midday, but it was almost 3pm before I got onto the M1. My reward for helping Dan was some petrol money and a lunch at McDonalds :)
WednesdayHard Rock Cafe, Courtyard, Drydock and Fab in the evening. This was made possible by part payment of wages from my dad. Eating out at Hard Rock has become something of a routine every time I visit Leeds now, and it's worth it every time. This time I almost ventured to be different, trying the full rack of BBQ ribs instead of the 10oz customised burger I have virtually every time - but I figured that there would still be more meat on the burger. The
When I Come Around video came on, much to my delight. Even better, no lingering memories of Jill! An added bonus of eating out at HRC was the waitress serving us did not appear to have any underwear on. For extra sophistication I ordered an Irish coffee after the main course. She seemed impressed.
We called Loaf after eating and found him, Julianne, Wesley, Sinead and Vicki at The Courtyard, just up the road - it was Sinead's 22nd so the obligatory drinks were bought for her; I have no idea how long they'd been there, but it seemed they'd drunk a lot! Since Dan still had some packing to do, we returned to the car and I dropped him back home, then came back out again. By this time, everyone else had moved on to the Drydock. Considering that all the exams are over and most students had theoretically disappeared, the Drydock was busy, although nowhere near as busy as the previous night. Much hilarity here as a drunk guy with a walking stick sold an ashtray to a drunk Ben for a fiver. Lack of custom meant Drydock closed a couple of hours earlier than advertised, so we trooped off down the road to Fab. Vicki's boyfriend Lee met up with us here. I spent a good portion of the time in Fab watching Ben have a go at pulling Sinead; the only real alternative was watching Kill Bill on the installed screens for the millionth time.
Earlier on today I managed to get a copy of Burnout 3 at Cex for £10 - not too shabby. The only mistake I made was not bringing up my memory card to transfer the game save, so all the time I spent living at Bungle playing Burnout 3 has gone to waste. Boo hoo. Weirdly, we bumped into Chris (from last night) at Cex. I had the luxury of not getting up until around midday. I went with Guy to the bus stop on the Otley Road and consumed much Red Bull. Got some pasties from Ainsley's for lunch. We don't seem to have Ainsley's down south, just chav central Greggs
Very hungry when I arrived in Leeds so I stopped at the McDonalds on Kirkstall Road and ordered two meals. Can't you just tell that a heart attack is imminent? The drive up was alright, nothing special though - it took 3.5 hours. Continued on my way to Bungle and unloaded my stuff into Vicki's old room. Pleased to see that a small group of us ultimately went to Cockpit as expectations for the evening weren't high - initially Ben just wanted to go for drinks at Drydock. We met Chris and Guy in there who he knew from his time at Ster; they were up for Cockpit. In the end he bowed to peer pressure and came along with us, even though it meant severe sleep deprivation and possible fucking up at work.
Along the walk to the Cockpit, we stopped off at McDonalds, taking my burger tally to three for today. Was kind of drunk after having a few at Drydock: I seem to remember talking about this one time Jon Grubb brought a minger back to our place. Jon then shamelessly proceeded to shag her on our living room sofa. I was sitting in McDonalds with Dan, gulping food down before Cockpit, and I vaguely remember shouting something like: "It's not pleasant to bring a fookin minger back to a place which isn't even yours and shag her silly." According to Dan there were two girls in the booth opposite us who were trying very hard not to laugh.
The bouncers at Cockpit almost didn't let Dan it at first, but through my superior powers of persuasion...lol. In any event, the punk room wasn't open, and I felt more than a little mortified at dragging everyone down to the train station for a non-event. Fortunately, after speaking to one of the bouncers, I established that Slam Dunk was 'go' from midnight. Just the small question of the interim 40 minute wait ;)
Was slightly worried at first as I didn't recognise any of the first 20 tracks the DJ played. Then the room started filling out and I knew every single one of the next 20 or so. Good times. Ben found a couple of Irish girls called Sinead and Clare - Sinead he knew from work too. Apparently the idea was that Clare "was for me", which was very generous of Ben, although in practice it didn't work out as, of course, she wasn't single. Highlights of Slam Dunk include watching Ben trying to pull Sinead by cracking jokes about paedophile priests, and observing a George Michael lookalike strut his stuff to The Ataris. Of course, there was the usual Reel Big Fish/Rancid/Less Than Jake skanking. I'll say it before and I'll say it again: for £3, there's no other night like it.
The only problem all night was the rookie mistake I had made in eating dinner just before jumping around lots. As plenty of freshers will no doubt attest, this is not the smartest move to make. From 1.30 to 2am I was forced to sit out and gulp down tap water - it's always extremely hot inside the Cockpit. They'll tell you they've installed air con, but they're lying. Guy crashed at our place. In the taxi, he regaled us with tales of his mates abusing coke, and how one of them once pointed a gun at his brother's head merely for taking a line of coke this guy thought belonged to him. Fun stuff indeed.